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How to Care for a Baby Snake
August 1, 2021

Have you thought about raising a snake? If so, you made the right decision to raise him from the beginning. People often find bonding with pets is easier if they’re raised from birth. Captive-born snakes are more docile than wild ones. Plus, they can be healthier, as they aren’t exposed to the diseases, hazards, and parasites that wild snakes encounter. But, baby snakes are very fragile. Do lots of research to learn how to help your baby snake thrive. A veterinarian offers some information on caring for a baby snake below.


There is so much to prepare for before you bring your baby snake home, including your pet’s enclosure. Keep in mind that when your snake is all grown up, he could need a larger habitat. For now, keep him in a smaller home. Anything too large will make it hard for him to find his dinner. Glass aquariums with screen tops are great. Tanks made of plastic or fiberglass are also available, but you need to make sure there’s proper ventilation. For substrate, you can use gravel and sand, newspaper, aspen or pine shavings. If you use sand, watch your tiny reptile carefully to make sure he doesn’t get anything caught in his mouth. If he does, use another substrate. Your little friend will also require a box to hide in and clean water. Add some decorations, including bark, branches, basking rocks, and logs!


Like any snake, keeping your reptilian friend warm is very important. Although exact temperature parameters can vary a bit from snake to snake, most tropical snakes require a temperature range between 75 and 90°F. Snakes that can survive in cooler climates need to be housed with a temperature that ranges from 75 to 85°F. Keep the heat source outside the cage to prevent your snake from getting burned. Heating rocks aren’t recommended, as they can scald your pet.


Your biggest challenge will be to get your reptilian buddy to eat. This is typical. Don’t try to force feed your snake, unless your veterinarian specifically recommends it. This should be a last resort. There are several other things you can try. Just be warned that these choices are not for the squeamish. Ask your veterinarian for more information.

If you have any questions or concerns about raising a baby snake, contact your local animal clinic!